On paper the UF1200 FLEX doesn't look particularly special - if anything, it looks overpriced - but this is absolutely one of those e-bikes that you have to ride to get the full story. It's well built, smooth, and SILENT! Some of that is the sheer lack of accessories; there's no fenders rattling over bumps on here. But the real star of the show is the motor. Zooz has actually made a unique motor here, instead of just slapping their name on another copycat product. The end result? Lots of torque, and absolutely no sound. It's awesome! This e-bike is capable of easily cruising at 30+ miles per hour on only the throttle, which is extra nice because this compact scrambler body is not a lot of fun to pedal, especially if you're tall. Pedaling aside this is an impressively comfortable ride thanks to the full suspension setup, and it's amazingly nimble, perfect for riding on trails or even at the BMX park.
Frame and Contact Points
Bicycle Components
What Other Experts Are Saying
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