The RadWagon 4 is Rad Power Bikes best option if you're looking for an e-bike to replace your car. It has a long-tail cargo frame that can be outfitted to haul just about anything, even two small human passengers! The RadWagon 4 is, obviously, the fourth generation of this model, and by this point it's a pretty polished product. It's cheaper than most competing cargo bikes, which means it's also equipped with more basic components than most competing cargo bikes. That's right, no responsive mid-drive motor here; the RadWagon 4 is rocking a 750-watt rear hub motor, with pedal assist activated by a simple cadence sensor. That means the pedaling experience won't be as responsive and will take some time to activate the motor, so you'll definitely be leaning on the half-grip twist throttle to get moving from a dead stop... especially if you're carrying a full load of cargo!
Although the components are basic they are feature complete. Bright integrated lights and full coverage fenders allow for safe and clean operation in the city, and the bike is highly adjustable thanks to a long seatpost tube and a tool-free adjustable stem. The frame is a sort of mid-step or "mixte", with two lower bars that allow for easier mounts and dismounts, but still provide good frame strength; that's important for a cargo bike! That's also why there is no front or rear suspension. When you're hauling lots of weight suspension doesn't perform as well, and usually it's more important to have the extra frame strength.
Unlike many cargo e-bikes the RadWagon 4 is equipped with a unique tire size of 22" in diameter by 3" wide. This gives them a bit more rolling efficiency than the typical 20x4 tires, which I'm a fan of. Unfortunately, this also makes them difficult tires to replace, because they're custom made by Rad Power Bikes; you're not going to find inner tubes of that size at your local bike shop.
Frame and Contact Points
Bicycle Components
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